A World Class Product in Solid/Liquid Waste Management, Leachate Control and Environment Pollution Control Technologies. The various problem solving factors with STINK GUARD:
- Avoids & Controls formation of foul odour
- Eco-friendly, Bio-degradable & Non-toxic
- Deodorizer, Disinfectant, Sanitizer
- Stoppage of Decomposition/Fermentation in Solid Waste Pile
- Minimizes the Microbial invasion on biodegradable waste
- Disinfectant to microbes on rotten solid waste elements
- Human Solid Liquid Waste Management & Control in a faster manner
- Repellent to mosquito and flies
- Create a firmament on Ectodermal layer of SLWM area to stop decaying of solid waste for number of days
- Have the ability to degrade number of organic compounds aerobically & an aerobically
- Suppress disease contributing microbes
- Exposed surface of Solid Waste
- Liquid Waste placing zone
- Public toilet places
- Vegetable market
- Fish market
- Public gathering zone
- Banquet Halls & Festive places